​​​​​​​​​​Dr. ​Mohammed Taleb, MD, FACC

Dr. Taleb specializes in Interventional cardiology and Structural cardiology. He is the Director of the Structural Heart Program at Mercy Medical Heart and Vascular Institute in Northwest Ohio.
Structural Heart Program
Watchman Procedure
If you have atrial fibrillation (Afib) and cannot be on blood thinners, this procedure reduces the risk of blood clots and you will be able to get off blood thinners.
If you have mitral regurgitation (leaky mitral valve) and need some relief without open heart surgery, this procedure can help eliminate the symptoms without needing surgery.
This procedure treats aortic stenosis (tight aortic valve) without the need for open heart surgery. You will get your life back and be able to do many things you have not been able to do in the past.
July 2012-upto June 2013 UT-Medical Center
Department of Cardiovascular Disease
Interventional Cardiology Program Toledo, OH
July 2009-Upto June 2012 UT-Medical Center
Department of Cardiovascular Disease Toledo, OH
July 2006- June 2009 UT-Medical Center Toledo, OH
Department of internal medicine
Residency Program in Internal Medicine
June 2004- June 2006 American University of Beirut Beirut, Lebanon
Department of General Surgery
Residency Program in General Surgery and Cardiothoracic surgery
June 2003- June 2004 Hammoud University Medical Center Saida, Lebanon
Rotating Internship
Sep 1997- June 2003 Beirut Arab University Beirut, Lebanon
Department of Medicine
MD degree in Doctor of Medicine
Extramural electives:
Jan 2004 Mayo clinic Rochester, MN
Department of Surgery
Elective in General Surgery
Feb 2004 Baylor College of medicine Houston, TX
Department of Surgery
Elective in General Surgery
Awards and Honors:
Intern of the Year Award June 2007 UT-Medical Center
Peter White Award For Excellence in Scholastic Activity April 2008 UT-Medical Center
W.Henrich Outstanding Academic Achievement Award June 2008 UT-Medical Center
Thomas Walsh Award for Excellence in Research May 2012 UT-Medical Center
Research And Articles:
1-Infective endocarditis and the new AHA guideline.
Geriatrics. 2008 Aug; 63(8):12-9. Review.
2-A Role for embolic protection in the management of acute lower limb ischemia
Tech Vasc Interv Radiol. 2011 Jun; 14(2):75-9. Review.
3-Stent Fracture: Clinical perspective.
Treatment Strategies. 2011 Dec: 1(2).58-64. Review.
4-Multiple Coronary to Pulmonary Artery Fistula: A case report and review of literature.
Cardiovasc Interv Ther Feb 13, 2012.
5-Meta-analysis of the Accuracy of Doppler Echocardiography in the Assessment of Pulmonary Artery systolic Pressure.
Echocardiography. In Press.
6-Successful percutaneous coronary intervention through unintentional sheath placement in the inferior epigastric artery. Cardiovasc Inter Ther Aug 9, 2012.
7-Elicit narcotic injection masquerading as acute pulmonary embolism. Vascular Medicine. In Press.
8- The Usefulness of 3D-Echocardiography with Definity Contrast in the Diagnosis of LV Thrombus Resulting in Cerebrovascular Accident. Echocardiography. Submitted.
9-Methaemoglobinaemia after Benzocaine Spray during a Transesophageal Echocardiography: A case report and literature review.
American Journal of Cardiology. Submitted
10- A Review of Current Technologies for Thromboembolism Management. Journal of invasive cardiology. Submitted.
Book Chapters
1-Percutaneus Management of Atherosclerotic Renal Artery Stenosis. Endovascular Interventions: A Case based approach to methods and procedures
Editors: Robert S. Dieter, Raymond Dieter, III, Dr. Raymond Dieter, Jr., Aravinda Nanjundappa
2- Percutaneus Management of Renal artery Fibromuscular Dysplasia. Endovascular Interventions: A case based approach to methods and procedures
Editors: Robert S. Dieter, Raymond Dieter, III, Dr. Raymond Dieter, Jr., Aravinda Nanjundappa.
1- Meta-analysis of the Accuracy of Doppler Echocardiography in the Assessment of Pulmonary Artery systolic Pressure.
Heart Failure Society of America-Poster-September 2010
2- Comparison of Quantitative Programs for Analysis of Myocardial Perfusion
Nuclear cardiology meeting-oral presentation-May, 2009
3-Giant interatrial septal aneurysm mimicking a left atrial mass
American College of Cardiology-Ohio Chapter-Poster-Oct, 2009
4-Carcinoid Heart Disease with Right to Left Shunt across a Patent Foramen Ovale: A case report and review of literature
American College of Cardiology-Ohio Chapter-Poster-oct, 2009
5- Spontaneous Post partum Coronary Artery Dissection: Two case reports and review of literature
American College of Cardiology-Ohio Chapter-Poster-oct, 2011
6- Successful percutaneous coronary intervention through unintentional sheath placement in the inferior epigastric artery.
American College of Cardiology-Ohio Chapter-Poster-oct, 2011
7-A case of chest discomfort and palpitations.
American College of Cardiology-Ohio Chapter-Poster-oct, 2011